Monday, May 18, 2009

The Art of an Ugly Face

It is an activity, it is an art. A piece of history that only you as a unique individual can provide to mankind. Creased folds of twisted skin ensures a glimpse of the cartoon within each of us. A skewed set of visual orbs build a comical muse. All in all, the ugly face is a choice one makes and all can enjoy.

The Ugly Face: It is an activity - It is an art.

The Smolterin' Temptress

The Summery Irish Dancer

The Blue Ribbon Bull

The Auburn Aszony

The Beautiful Brown Bonnie Lass

The Innocent Young Man

My Large Blonde Dove

The Masta'

The unique ugly ultimately unites fellow uglies in a bond of hideous humor.

The Ugly Face: It is an activity - It is an art.


Hannah said...


Hannah said...

i have a few things to say:

Hannah said...

#1: that is a whole lot of ugly.

Hannah said...

2: i came up with this awesome blog topic for leesif

Hannah said...

#3: i laughed for approximately 5 minutes at lee's ugly

Hannah said...

#4: Petra, I feel that you and I should be friends, deal? Good, glad we got that settled.

Hannah said...

#5: good alliterations.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! You are all crazy!


Hannah said...

wait! and #6: my life is now complete.

Celestyn H said...

I'm so glad I could share my ugly face talent with all the people that follow this blog. It is hilarious.
Good Idea Hannah

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...


Ashley said...

Precious. Just, precious.

Matt and Jenni said...

Lee: You truly are the Masta at ugly face-ness!

McKell said...

I think this is my most favorite post of yours :) YAY to the ugliness, let it be spread round the world. I feel it more natural to pull an ugly than be normal :)

Martha said...

HA HA HA these turned out great!

Hannah said...

Heidi, Mariah, Stuart and I were recently discussing this post, and your ugly face abilities. I feel the need to share with you what Mariah said, and I quote, "I really don't know how he can do that. I'm mean, he's not an ugly person, but he can really make himself ugly."