I found myself on the same life threatening threshold that the Lawgiver found himself on while hillside: toilet paperless. The past 13 days I have been without toosh tissue. Every time I drop off a deposit, I am reminded that I hate buying potty paper and have forgotten to once again pick up an illusive roll.
The only solution to this moral dilemma: take a shower. I have never had 13 consecutive days filled with so much soapy nudity. Two or three times I day, I find myself pleasantly surprised by yet another burst of hot water cascading down over my body. This fine solution became a highlight in my toilet paper conservation program until house guests began asking to use my restroom. To their surprise, I invited them to stroll across the street to the local convenience store where they could poop freely and use the sandpaper-esque toilet paper.
Finally, on the 13th day of my Mount Siani, I found myself in a public restroom delivering my digested product to the porcelain god. There was an extra roll of toilet tissue perched along side the throne. It seemed to call to me in ways no other inanimate object ever has. "Take me. Wipe thy tender bum and be free of thy burden," it chanted. In a moment surely to cause the Parter of the Red Sea grief, I stole that roll of wonderful wiping weave.
A commandment may have been broken, but I feel that the long lost disclaimer applies to such languished lavatory laments. Forgive me, for I have sinned.
I now know what to get you for Christmas!
Lol! I can't get enough of you Lee! I'm sure you'll be forgiven!
OMG I love you. I laughed soooo hard!
*disclaimer* do not read while on Lortab! Hahahahaha!
love it lee! i once or twice took TP from work when I was a poor starving college student in Logan. :) Thanks for the entertainment!
Oh daddy, you are a silly one! Long live Moses!
Surely, your ox was in the mire on that one. In a related note, I do miss my handheld shower head, because you can really give your undercarriage a bit of a how's-your-father with those.
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